New ways to keep in touch!

Fall is almost here, and I’m finally able to launch a Monthly Newsletter for District 17 and County news. This is just one more way to stay in touch. The first issue should be ready this month.

As a recap, here’s a quick list of communication pathways for all things Dane County District 17:

  1. Monthly Newsletter, as highlighted above: Subscribe here, first issue September 2022.

  2. Blog: News, opinion, updated regularly: You are here!

  3. Reach out: You’re always welcome to contact me directly with questions, comments, or concerns: - or (608) 338-3766 (calls or texts are ok)!

Do you have a newsletter?

If so, let me know! I contribute regularly to several neighborhood association newsletters in District 17, but I’m happy to expand this. Please be in touch if you’d like me to do so.


Letter to MMSD administration re: food service


Landfill odors update