FAQ: Why are our meetings still virtual?
In the FAQ series, I’ll answer common questions I receive.
Board to consider an independent investigation of Vilas Zoo management
In light of reports regarding racism & workplace discrimination as well as animal welfare concerns, the County Board’s Executive Committee is considering an independent review of zoo management. I support an independent review.
Public Works update: Reporting landfill odors, grants for organic waste management
A new way to report landfill odor concerns, applications now open for Organics Management Grant
More public input on budgets, Earth Day events, Sustainability Campus listening session
Dane County Board approves more public input on our budgets, upcoming Sustainability Campus Q&A session with County staff, upcoming Earth Day cleanup events.
Let’s power our library services with solar!
The South Central Library Service needs help from Washington DC to fund a project that would place solar panels on their roof -- reducing the building's energy load by 92%. This is exactly the type of project we need to combat climate change.
Demystifying Buzzwords: “Transparency”
In the Demystifying Buzzwords series, I’ll pick common political buzzwords—that are often thrown around without clear definitions—and dig into what they mean to me.
Unburying the lede on transparency and openness
The Dane County Board is considering a number of rules changes to promote transparency in Board business and make it easier for the public to participate.
Information for voters is published!
The League of Women Voters has published the candidate responses for the April 5 election.
Advocating for COVID safety this evening
Tonight at 7 p.m., the Dane County Board will consider Resolution 157, which urges Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) to rescind the emergency mask order that is currently in place. I will be speaking out in opposition to this resolution.